BG Farms, Inc.
Website: B-G-Stables-Inc.com
Certified Naturally Grown (more info)
We are a family farm Incorporated in 1977 for the past 5 years we have been raising and selling the highest quality meat you can find We raise Berkshire/Mulefoot Pigs both are the oldest Heritage Breeds to be found and provide our customers with the highest standards of pork – dark beef looking Pork and the breeds provide marbling in the meat for tenderness but not excessive fat.All of our pigs roam free in about 60 acres of pasture and woods and live where they have a big hog wallar to roll in like they do naturally.
Our Beef is from Devonshire/Hereferd both are English breeds sent over in the 1600 for provision of meat for the pioneers of America Pastured in Burmuda pastures Hay in winter.
We keep our beef cattle until they are 30 months old so they are old enough to Marble their meat.
Poultry – we raise Cornish/Cross chickens Free Range to provide tender meat due to the fact these chickens grow extremely quick they are ready to process in 6 to 9 weeks.
Big Brown Country Eggs from free range RIR Chickens are a egg lovers dream!!!
Never are any of our animals given any growth hormones, preservatives – or insecticides sprayed on our pastures – we have goats running with the other animals to take care of the weeds.
Our meat is processed by a USDA Processor in Kingstree, So. Carolina. All of the cuts are vacuum packed and certified by the Federal USDA Inspector